MapleStorySEA - V Matrix (Core EXP Table)
- Cannot equip more than 1 same Core.
- 3 types of V Core: Skill Core, Enhancement Core, Special Core.
- Maximum level for Skill Core is 25.
- Maximum level for Enhancement Core is 25.
- Special Core have only level 1 as long as expiry within 7 days.
- Skill Core's skill maximum level can exceed to level 30 by V Matrix Point.
- Enhancement Core's skill maximum level can exceed to level 60 by V Matrix Point.
- Special Core not affected by V Matrix Point.
- Crafting Core Gemstone costing 35 V Core Pieces.
- Crafting Skill Core costing 140 V Core Pieces.
- Crafting Enhancement Core costing 70 V Core Pieces.
- Crafting Special Core costing 250 V Core Pieces.
- Disassemble Skill Core obtaining 40 V Core Pieces.
- Disassemble Enhancement Core obtaining 10 V Core Pieces.
- Disassemble Special Core obtaining 50 V Core Pieces.
- Level 2 and above Core obtainable V Core Piece please refer EXP table link below.
Core EXP Table >> Click Here <<
- There are 2 Sheets: V Matrix (Old) and V Matrix (New).
- (Formula) Skill Core EXP = 50 + 5 x CoreLevel
- (Formula) Enhancement Core EXP = 40 + 15 x CoreLevel
- Combine the same Cores to upgrade, each Core contains 50 EXP (Level 1 & 0%).
- In V Matrix, Core EXP only shown in %.
- Easy for checking, I calculated "EXP Contain (Shown on V Matrix)".
(Since the game only shown % in the game, haih...) - The "EXP Contain (Shown on V Matrix)" might inaccurate if your core is enhanced before the patch update that is still using old "EXP Contain".
- If your Core is used lv2 and above (before the patch update) to enhance a lv1 Core, you need to calculate EXP yourself. Please refer D column and E column.
V Matrix in different regions:
Core > Node
Core Gemstone > Nodestone
V Core Piece > Node Shard
Enhancement Core > Boost Node